

It’s Sunday evening, and it’s raining. What has this world done to my daughter?

I asked her if she wanted to go outside with me in the rain, and just play, run around like a bunch of nuts. You know what she did? She gave me that LOOK. You know the one. It’s the look that twelve year olds are famous for, and I have been getting it quite a bit lately.

It’s the look that asks, “Daddy, are you an idiot?” I love watching her grow up, but I’m not sure about this look. Did she learn it from me? I hope not!

And hey!!! I told her to stop growing up four years ago! What’s with this gross disobedience? Did she learn that from me as well? What punishments can I levy for this? I clearly told her, ”No more maturing, no more growing. From now on, you will be eight, forever.” What is this world coming to when our children misbehave like this?

Seriously, I am looking forward to the next few years, say four or five, with anticipation, and a very, very heavy dose of anxiety. Let’s see, she is twelve now…………..so in five years, she will be seventeen. Aaaaaagggghhhhh!!!!!!!!#@!@#!!

I have so much to look forward to, and so much to worry about. Take for instance, dating. My daughter isn’t going to date until she’s married. What’s that, you ask? “How can she get married if she doesn’t date?” Now you’re gettin’ it.

Okay, so I can’t keep her from dating, I know that. But this I also know; the poor chap who kisses her first will be beaten within an inch of his life, so he better wait until he asks her to marry him. Then, I might only pound him with my baseball bat a FEW times. We’ll see, it all depends on how I feel that day, because you never can tell, right?

Actually, none of that will PROBABLY happen, but I make no promises at this point. I just am really not looking forward to it all. I know how I was at seventeen. So she better steer clear of guys who are like I was. And I will be able to tell.

I will simply meet this fine upstanding youth at the door, ask him inside, and lay down the ground rules. Here they are, or at least a partial list:

1. Kissing is as far as you can go with my daughter.
2. Kissing is forbidden, so rule # 1 is really just built-in redundancy.
3. If you pick her up at 8:00 pm, she must be home at 8:15 pm, on the same day.
4. No driving is allowed, so rule # 3 is again, just built in redundancy.
5. If she says no to anything, and you disregard it, I will kill you.
6. If you go further than rule # 2, I will kill you.
7. If you think my daughter is a punching bag, run fast, because I’m one of those guys who LIKES hitting men who hit women.
8. Holding hands is allowed (hey! I’m not an ogre!), …………..so long as you wear surgical gloves.
9. Throw away the breath mints, or breath spray, you won’t be needing them tonight. Kindly see rule # 2.
10. Bow to me upon entering, and leaving, for I am king. : D

There is going to be a whole host of other rules, but for now, I have time, this will have to do.

Now, where’s that baseball bat?


SteveW said...

Those looks are built right in. They come out all on their own at about this age. Be careful with the rule thing though. It never worked for my children or for me for that matter. Rules (law) only wants to make us do it more. My third child did the best....with the least rules. Trust & love her Tom, gently without smothering her. Just be the good dad that you are and trust Father with her.....oh yes, and like your friend said, PRAY ALOT and forgive if she messes up.

Tom Reindl said...

Elaine, Not all the bad stuff comes from the ex-half. I'd be remiss if I gave that impression. (How may times in one snetence can I mis-hit the same key?) But, most of the bad stuff does. :D

Deb, yes, her shoulders are trained already, and there's one other thing. Her favorie answer is "sure" said in as un-exciting a way as is humanly possible, followed closely by, "Iuh-oh", which I think stands for "I don't know". :) I took German in high school, but it's not helping. This new language comes from Mars!

Steve, Thanks. I do try to leave Ally with her own sense of responsibility in decision making. But this idea of growing up when I strictly forbade it has to stop! :D Thanks for the encouragement, brother

Tom Reindl said...


Great story. You know, when I was still married, my former wife would often point out all of things that Ally resembled her in, or took after her in. She never said anything about how Ally took after me in anything. I am seeing now, for the last four years, that my daughter takes after me in an awful lot. I hope that's a good thing.