

What a wonderful time I spent with the Boy’s Club tonight. For those of you not familiar with them, they are the group of men I meet with every Friday night, just to catch up with them, and to talk about things important to us. Things like knowing Jesus, knowing each other, and being alright with not knowing everything. This last is truly a miracle, if you know anything about men.

Men are hard-pressed to admit we do not know everything there is to know. Maybe it’s pride, maybe something else. Who cares? It’s God bringing us to a new place in surrender, and this is a huge step for us. WE DON’T KNOW EVERYTHING, AND WE ARE ALRIGHT WITH THAT! Hallelujah!

I am truly amazed at how close we seem to be growing. Gone is the need to “learn” doctrine. That has been replaced with honesty and openness, and all these things spur on wisdom, which in my mind is far superior to knowledge. Give me one thing to live in wisdom, and it will FAR outweigh every study I have ever engaged in. Tonight, I saw wisdom reign.

These guys are not perfectly open and honest, nor am I, but we are moving, and being moved. The changes in them, and in me are truly deep and lasting. We aren’t here to learn doctrine. We are here to love one another, and this group is doing that pretty good, I think.

Here is a truth for all of us to learn, that it is not knowledge, nor things, nor flesh that save us, but only love. And once we know Jesus, we will never do a greater thing than love each other. Guys, thank you for a truly joy filled, and delightful evening. Praise God for His life, for His truth, and for His wisdom in drawing us together, so we could draw close to Him.


Anonymous said...

After your last few posts, it's good to hear you are in better spirits. Yes GOD IS GOOD! So are you Tom, keep up the good and faithfull work God has started in you, I belive it is your destiny. Not all of us have the gift of encouragement. Even when you doubt yourself, you encourage others.

Anonymous said...

I belive we are all working on loving better. And you are right once we know Jesus, all there will be is LOVE.
...I cannot begin to understand...I can only imagine...
(kind of sounds like a song)?
Oh...and I almost know everything...just kidding.
God be with you

Tom Reindl said...

Hello you two anonymouses!!

Thank you for your kind encouragements. It would be nice if you left a first name when you comment, if you are willing. Calling you "anonymous" can't sound very flattering to you.

Anyway, just a thought. I am thankful for all of your encouragemnet to me.