

It seems that my daughter is wiser than many bloggers out there, at least in regards to how she handles her “Christian” freedom. Allow me to expound, please.

I have been blogging approximately four and one – half months. In that time, I have read many posts, and many snippets of posts from bloggers around the world, mostly Christian. But you’d never know it, to hear what some have to say about certain things in our “Christian” culture. Today, I’d like to talk about just one of those things. Christian music.

There are many believers who listen to various types of music, and Christian happens to be one of them. Personally, I listen to Christian Rock, because I like the harder edge to that type of music, and the lyrics agree with how I feel so very often.

My daughter listens to the same type of music, however, her tastes tend to be a bit softer than mine. Nevertheless, she loves her “Christian” music, and she loves hearing it on the radio. Here is where the waters appear to get muddy.

Many of the posts I have read have very little, to almost nothing good to say about “Christian” Music. I have heard it described as secular music with the name of God in it, as well as garbage written only to make money. It looks like many believers are caught up in the fear that our so called “culture” is way too secular for their liking. That’s okay. Everyone has their opinions, and stumbling blocks.

However, what is not okay is the judging that goes on, especially regarding books and music. To say one refuses to listen to Christian music because it is nothing more than a money-making venture by a group of long-haired secular Jesus-freaks is going too far.

Here is what I have to say about all of this. Maybe the groups who wrote this music really did write it to make a buck. Maybe they didn’t. None of that matters, not even one bit. You see, it doesn’t matter what reason the music or book was written for. It only matters what we do with it when it is available to us.

My daughter finds a sense of worship and joy for her God when she listens to “Christian” music, even though there is little difference between the way it and secular music sounds. So, who is right? Those who bash “Christian” artists because they think the music is too secular, or capitalistic, or my daughter? Ask my daughter that question, and she’ll raise an eyebrow at you, and wonder if you’ve lost your marbles. She would wonder why even the need for such a silly question. After all, if she listens, and finds joy, and somehow praises God for it, is that not right? Of course it is, regardless of the type of music.

So, my question is, why are so many bashing the Christian music industry at all? Is it really because they are concerned about capitalism? Or is there some deeper reason for their disdain and judgment? If I put the name of Jesus on a tee-shirt, is that wrong? If I use it to remind myself of Jesus throughout the day, what of it then?

This truth is a truth that will never change; There is not now, nor will there ever be anything of the flesh that is pure in and of itself. But our Spirit can take a pile of doggy doo, and turn it into gold. However, there are many things we can do, that are done in a way that is evil. One of them is judging others as if we know better. One of them isn’t listening to Christian music. But, if it causes one to stumble, then he is better off not listening to it. If it is going to cause him to judge it wrongly, then he should flee from it, but he shouldn’t drag anyone else with him. Thank you.


Tom Reindl said...

Hi guys :)

I guess the question I really want to know the answer to is why are we so prone to judge? I wonder if we just do it because we really don't understand God's heart? I don't know, just some additional thoughts.

Holly said...

Christian music is such a refreshing break to hear vs what is on the pop stations. I think it also goes beyond the artist's music/lyrics...it is the fact that they are Christians and they have set out on sort of a "mission trip" to do the will of God through music. And God bless them for that!!! They portray a solid christian base of morals and beliefs for their audience to witness. Praise God that your daughter is a christian music fan! Lord knows that it was a driving force (in addition to my friends) of me becoming a born-again christian. And the church I now attend-one of the reasons I choose it is because the time of worship is amazing!! I don't think I answered any of your questions... but I wanted to voice my support for Christian music!! BTW, Switchfoot rocks! And if the secular audience knows their Christian background who knows they may find their way to Christ. God Bless! :)