

How does a man who believes in predestination also believe in spreading the gospel? Well, this post is my attempt to reconcile that.

I believe that God has chosen those who are saved. Does that necessarily mean I am right? I like to think it does, but I also am very comfortable with not HAVING TO BE RIGHT. That being said, I can still share the gospel, even while believing in God’s sovereign choice.

Here is how it works. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Jesus is my King. I love Him, even though I know I do not often show it. He understands my physical lack, my heart still belongs to Him. Well, if Jesus is my King, then it follows that I am His servant. And, if I am His servant, then I serve Him as He directs me to serve Him.

Jesus told me to make disciples, and teach them to observe all that He commanded me. This is my focus. Whether God’s sovereign choice is true or not doesn’t affect that command, and it is a command. I come from the side that Jesus is a King, and as a King, He has dominion over my body, to do with it as He pleases. There is a scripture that talks about making our bodies living sacrifices, but I’ll leave it to you to look up. The point I am trying to make is, even if I believe that God has chosen them, still, I must be about my Father’s business, which is Jesus’ business. What I “know” doesn’t matter. What I do does.

And this much more is true. I do not “know” who they are. Father has not revealed that to me. All Jesus said was, “Go”, so I’ll go, and “make disciples”, so I will be about that. Again, what I “know” doesn’t matter. What Jesus wants does.

I will go, though I know not today where. I will speak, though I know not what I will say. I will be brought before people, and at that time, I will not worry about what to say, it will be given to me by the Holy Spirit. The hard work is not mine, it belongs to Jesus. Is it because we focus too much on ourselves that sharing the good news is hard? Is that it? Because the good news is not ABOUT us, rather, it is FOR us. This is what we have been given, and I am going to share it.

Where is the love? You might ask that. However, I only come to acknowledge Jesus as my King BECAUSE I love Him. The more I love Him, the more I acknowledge Him. So, this isn't just a command to me. It is the very opportunity to love Him more.

You can come with me if you like, but I won’t wait for you. Try not to take that as arrogance. It’s just that I have waited long enough, I won’t wait anymore. This is my focus, and I pray that sharing the good news with those who haven’t heard it will become yours, as well. If it already is your focus, then I simply thank God for sending workers into the harvest. God loves you as much today as He did yesterday. Amen.

1 comment:

Tom Reindl said...


I am not sure how to explain it. All I know is that I certainly "feel" like I make choices. But the Bible is also clear that God does direct our plans, and He knows what we will say even before we say it. Numerous times we are called the chosen, the elect, and that we are predestined. However, we are never told that we cannot choose to do good, so far as I know. This is one of those areas we can't explain, and I believe it is an area left that way by God on purpose. Possibly to test our faith, our loyalty to our King, because let's face it, the idea of hell, and God choosing some for good and some for evil doesn't sound too appealing, does it?

I guess I direct anyone who questions God to read the last chapters of Job, and see what God's response is. It can help if we are humbled before God. The rest, we just have to trust, and wait for the answers. Hope that helps.